

PayPal App

v5.018 12-Mar-2017
Express Checkout: Allow a custom stylesheet to be loaded to help with the styling and positioning of the checkout buttons shown on the shopping cart page.
Express Checkout: Add "id" to the checkout button html tags used on the shopping cart page.
v5.016 11-Mar-2017
Express Checkout: Pass the in-store selected shipping rate to the Instant Update Callback request and keep the shipping rate selected when the available shipping rates are displayed.
Express Checkout: If a shipping rate has been selected in-store (eg, the customer did not use the "PayPal Check out" button on the shopping cart page but went through the in-store checkout procedure and selected Express Checkout as the payment method), keep the selected shipping rate when returning back to the store checkout confirmation page.
The online update packages for v5.011 and v5.014 contained a hardcoded "admin/" path to update the "admin/paypal.php" file - if a custom administration directory name is used, please delete the "admin/" directory, this should only contain one "paypal.php" file which the v5.011 and v5.014 online update packages created.
v5.014 05-Mar-2017
Express Checkout: Update checkout.js javascript to v4.
Display EC requirement notice on the DP configuration page if EC is not enabled.
Always show the View button on the PayPal App Log page.
v5.011 04-Mar-2017
Added compatibility layer for v2.3.4 BS Community Edition.
v5.010 01-Mar-2017
Add new general App parameter to test and use the default server configured SSL version when performing API requests to PayPals servers or force TLS v1.2 connections. (TLS v1.2 connections are required from June 30, 2017)
Use the customer address suburb value as the street2 parameter value for Payments Standard, Express Checkout, Direct Payment, and Hosted Solution.
Payments Standard: If "receiver_email" is not returned back to the store, fallback to "business" to verify the transaction with.
Payments Standard: Disable the module if the App API Credentials or module PDT configuration parameters have not been entered. Either is now required to be able to verify the transaction when the customer returns back to the store after payment is made.
Payments Standard: Strip extra slashes that were being logged.
Payments Standard: Remove deprecated NO_NOTE and PAGE_STYLE parameters. (deprecated Sept. 2016)
Express Checkout: Remove deprecated ALLOWNOTE and PAGESTYLE parameters. (deprecated Sept. 2016)
Update osCommerce links from http to https.
v5.001 19-Feb-2017
Fix getIdentifier() usage in the PayPal Payments Standard module.
v5.000 03-Nov-2016
Use PayPal API 204.
Add Merchant Account ID field to Manage Credentials page.
PayPal Express Checkout: Enable In-Context checkout flow by default.
PayPal Express Checkout: Add configuration parameters to control Checkout with PayPal button color, shape, and size.
Remove country restrictions for API Retrieval service.
General improvements and bugfixes.
v4.039 09-Dec-2014
Initial public release.
Add Administration Dashboard module to show the live or sandbox account balance and to check if an online update exists.
Payments Standard: When the customer returns back to the store after payment has been made, detect if the IPN has been received and skip over a check in checkout_process.php that verified if product quantities existed in stock. (If the IPN deducated the quantity already and stock reached 0, checkout_process.php would see this and redirect the customer to the shopping cart page)
Fix compatibility conflict in the admin orders class.
Show a success or failure message when order administration actions are performed.
Show missing configuration requirements on module configuration page.
v4.027 28-Nov-2014
Add support for Payments Standard Payment Data Transfer (PDT). If the Identity Token has not been configured, use the API Credentials to retrieve the transaction information.
Add support for admin order transactions to Payments Standard and Hosted Solution.
Redirect to the order status history tab after an admin order transaction has been performed.
Bug: Fix order total and transaction total comparison mismatch notification stored in the order status comment.
v4.016 08-Nov-2014
Minor compatibility updates for v2.2rc2a.
Payments Standard: Add stock level management and order email notifications to IPN.
Add compatibility with v2.3.5 shipping class get_first() class method. If class method is not found, revert to using cheapest() class method.
v4.000 31-Oct-2014
Initial beta release.
Bundle PayPal modules into App:
  • PayPal Payments Standard
  • PayPal Express Checkout
  • PayPal Express Checkout (Payflow Edition)
  • PayPal Payments Pro (Direct Payment)
  • PayPal Payments Pro (Direct Payment Payflow Edition)
  • PayPal Payments Pro (Hosted Solution)
  • Log In with PayPal

Legacy Modules

Express Checkout
v3.1 09-Jun-2014
v2.2 compatibility updates (jQuery is now injected into the page when it has not been loaded).
v3.0 27-May-2014
Use API 112.
If the Set Password account content module is installed, leave the password of the automatically created customer account for guests empty and don't e-mail the customer (requires osCommerce Online Merchant v2.3.4).
Show PayPal logo on the checkout confirmation page as the payment method instead of the module public title.
Allow a PayPal defined Page Style to be used.
Only add line items if line item total calculations matches order total calculations.
Add extra Order Total modules as product line items.
Additionally verify the PayPal transaction before the order is processed.
Allow Instant Update to prevent the customer from proceeding through Express Checkout if no shipping rates are available for the shipping destination (requires osCommerce Online Merchant v2.3.4).
Support Log In with PayPal Seamless Checkout.
Support error code 10486 for when insufficient funds are available in the customers PayPal account.
v2.0 08-Oct-2013
Use API 104.
Label public title with sandbox tag when in sandbox testing mode.
Add Test Connection link in module configuration page.
Verify SSL connections with PayPal public key certificate.
v1.2 19-Aug-2013
Use API 60.
Allow debug transaction information to be sent in an e-mail for failed transactions.
Pre-Configure the module for new installations with the store configured store owner e-mail address.
v1.1 18-Feb-2010
Use API 57.
Add support for PayPal Account Optional.
Introduce Instant Update to have PayPal retrieve shipping rates and taxes based on the shipping destination.
Include PayPal transaction information in a private order status level.
Automatically create customer accounts for guests when returning back to the store from the Express Checkout flow. Accounts are created with an automatically generated random password that is e-mailed to the customer.
v1.0 11-Jan-2008
Initial Release
Express Checkout (Payflow Edition)
v3.1 09-Jun-2014
v2.2 compatibility updates (jQuery is now injected into the page when it has not been loaded).
v3.0 27-May-2014
Automatically create customer accounts for guests when returning back to the store from the Express Checkout flow.
If the Set Password account content module is installed, leave the password of the automatically created customer account for guests empty and don't e-mail the customer (requires osCommerce Online Merchant v2.3.4).
Show PayPal logo on the checkout confirmation page as the payment method instead of the module public title.
Allow a PayPal defined Page Style to be used.
Only add line items if line item total calculations matches order total calculations.
Add extra Order Total modules as product line items.
Additionally verify the PayPal transaction before the order is processed.
v2.0 22-Aug-2013
Label public title with sandbox tag when in sandbox testing mode.
Add Test Connection link in module configuration page.
Verify SSL connections with PayPal public key certificate.
Include PayPal transaction information in a private order status level.
v1.0 11-Jan-2008
Initial Release
Payments Pro (Direct Payment)
v3.1 09-Jun-2014
v2.2 compatibility updates (jQuery is now injected into the page when it has not been loaded).
v3.0 27-May-2014
Use API 112.
Add line items if line item total calculations matches order total calculations.
Include PayPal transaction information in a private order status level.
v2.0 20-Aug-2013
Use API 104.
Verify SSL connections with PayPal public key certificate.
Remove card entry fields from the checkout payment page (now only entered on the checkout confirmation page).
Add Test Connection link in module configuration page.
Dynamically update card entry fields depending on card type.
Allow card types to be enabled/disabled.
v1.1 22-Jan-2008
Add configuration parameter to control where the card details should be collected; either on the checkout payment or checkout confirmation page. This is needed for 2.2MS2 compatibility which can only collect card details on the checkout payment page.
v1.0 11-Jan-2008
Initial Release
Payments Pro (Direct Payment Payflow Edition)
v3.1 09-Jun-2014
v2.2 compatibility updates (jQuery is now injected into the page when it has not been loaded).
v3.0 27-May-2014
Add line items if line item total calculations matches order total calculations.
Include PayPal transaction information in a private order status level.
v2.0 20-Aug-2013
Verify SSL connections with PayPal public key certificate.
Remove card entry fields from the checkout payment page (now only entered on the checkout confirmation page).
Add Test Connection link in module configuration page.
v1.1 22-Jan-2008
Add configuration parameter to control where the card details should be collected; either on the checkout payment or checkout confirmation page. This is needed for 2.2MS2 compatibility which can only collect card details on the checkout payment page.
Split card owner name into two fields for the first and last name.
v1.0 11-Jan-2008
Initial Release
Payments Pro (Hosted Solution)
v1.1 09-Jun-2014
v2.2 compatibility updates (jQuery is now injected into the page when it has not been loaded).
Fixed tested gateway in API Server Connection dialog.
v1.0 27-May-2014
Initial Release
Payments Standard
v3.2 09-Jun-2014
v2.2 compatibility updates (jQuery is now injected into the page when it has not been loaded).
v3.1 01-Jun-2014
Include line items when line item total calculations matches order total value.
v3.0 27-May-2014
Show PayPal logo on the checkout confirmation page as the payment method instead of the module public title.
Include PayPal transaction information in a private order status level.
v2.0 22-Aug-2013
Label public title with sandbox tag when in sandbox testing mode.
Add Test Connection link in module configuration page.
Add additional checks when processing the order.
v1.1 28-May-2013
Additionally verify the PayPal transaction before the order is processed.
Add Primary Seller E-Mail Address parameter for cases when it is different to the Seller E-Mail Address.
Verify SSL connections with PayPal public key certificate.
v1.0 11-Jan-2008
Initial Release
Log In with PayPal
v1.0 27-May-2014
Initial Release