
osCommerce Online Merchant can be installed on any web server that has PHP installed and has access to a database server. This includes shared servers, dedicated servers, cloud instances, and local installations running on Linux, Unix, BSD, Mac OS X, and Microsoft Windows operating systems.

Web Server

The web server must support PHP either as a module or allow execution of CGI scripts. For performance reasons FastCGI is recommended over CGI.


osCommerce Online Merchant is compatible with PHP 4 and PHP 5. For performance and security reasons it is recommended to use the latest PHP 5 version on the web server.

The following PHP options are recommended to be set in the php.ini configuration file:

PHP Setting Value
register_globals Off
magic_quotes_gpc Off
file_uploads On
session.auto_start Off
session.use_trans_sid Off

The following PHP extensions are mandatory:

MySQL MySQL database extension.

The following PHP extensions are recommended:

GD Image processing module.
cURL Network communication library.
OpenSSL Encryption library.

MySQL Database Server

The minimum MySQL version required is v3.23. It is recommended to use the latest MySQL 4 or MySQL 5 version on the database server.

The following MySQL storage engines are supported:

Storage Engine
MyISAM Default storage engine.